Fulltext results:
- Educational Buildings-Kindergarten-Sports Hall
- n educational buildings is particularly important here: children are demonstrably more sensitive to indo... German context and then translated into English. Therefore, the translation may not take into account in... /product_page/Education_Building_Bildungsgebaeude|here]] ------ Click [[planning:guides_and_aids|here]] to go back to the Guides and Aids
- Kitchen Exhaust Systems for Residential Kitchens in Passive Houses: Guidelines
- passivehouse.com/de/download/product_page/kitchen|here]] ------ Click [[planning:guides_and_aids|here]] to go back to the Guides and Aids
- Planning Guidelines for Passive House Indoor Swimming Pools
- assivehouse.com/de/download/product_page/Planning|here]]\\ //Note: To download the guide, you need to re... cklist_for_energy_consumption_indoor_pools%20.zip|here]] (*.zip file) to download the checklists for kee