Fulltext results:
- Energy Efficiency in Domestic Electrical Energy Use
- tricity consulting in Innsbruck. Among them was a higher than average share of retired people and only f... inant fields of electrical energy use. If new and highly energy efficient appliances were used throughou... a special tariff with reduced energy price during high-yield hours of PV systems. Two out of three sampl... d in 2018, apparently due to a lack of demand for higher spec’ed (and hence more expensive) smart plugs.
- Heat losses caused by drain pipes in the PHPP
- on method for these heat losses. Particularly for high-rise buildings, this method is overly conservativ... fference and to the pressure loss), but it may be higher than measured for high-rise buildings with long, straight, vertical pipe runs where horizontal sectio... s used, the lower will be the temperatures in the higher parts of the pipes. As a general rule, it seems
- Electric Energy Efficiency for Households – Doing the whole step towards energy efficiency
- velopment projects. To really make a step towards highest efficiencies, the household electricity has to... s a renewable energy supply the implementation of highest energy efficiency is mandatory. In the context... appliance can be absolutely not recommendable or highly profitable. Furthermore the usage and standby p... sumptions evolved to be a meaningful step towards higher efficiency. The first hurdle was the activation
- Renovation Strategies assessed via District Energy Balance
- resulting recommendation is to always renovate to high efficiency levels, but not necessarily renovate a... components, i.e. the probability of renovation is higher for older building components. \\ C) Renovatio... increased renovation rates, lead to significantly higher overall emissions. In addition it must be noted
- SINFONIA Condensation Tool
- is typically hard to gather; the theory requires highly specific knowledge of hygrothermal calculation.
- Experience Passive House - Passive House Open Days
- to gain valuable knowledge and to experience the high level of living comfort offered by these building