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- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached @certification:passive_house_categories
- ck 2012]. Because biomass can be stored and has a high energy density, it will mainly be needed in mobil... the overall PER demand will simply be relatively high in such cases. \\ ===== Single-family Passive H... effects are minor (especially in the light of the high cost of three times more collector area) because ... renewable primary energy is even. Because of its high efficiency, the Passive House building in Gerstet
- The Passive House Classes: Classic, Plus and Premium
- 5}} * [[webinars:enerphit_plus_retrofit_of_two_high-rise_office_buildings_in_vienna|EnerPHit Plus – High rise office buildings in Vienna, Austria]] (iPHA P... t to the locally available renewable resources is high. Bungalows will automatically become “plus-energy” houses in many cases, whilst high-rises will not be penalised for not achieving “ne
- Certified Passive House Components
- assive House Standard excels due to its extremely high energy savings in comparison with ordinary new co... times as efficient as the products commonly used. High efficiency is decisive for achieving the Passive ... s be certified? ===== The Passive House requires high quality components: super-insulating window frame... announcing its third Component Award, recognising high-quality, cost-effective Passive House Components.
- Evaluation of server and server room efficiency for non-residential buildings that exceed the primary energy criterion
- constitutes an efficient server. A server with a high energy consumption and high processing capacity can be just as efficient as a server with a low energy ... iciency with regard to hardware will be extremely high; if the server is also accordingly dimensioned fo
- Building Certification
- n site: Airtightness, thermal bridge free design, high-quality windows and installation, ventilation sys... House buildings]] are characterised by especially high levels of indoor comfort with minimum energy cons
- EnerPHit – the Passive House Certificate for retrofits
- ess]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?20}} * use of high quality [[:planning:thermal_protection:windows|wi... mber of examples demonstrating the application of high-efficiency technology in existing buildings have
- Building Criteria: Overview of Changes
- hieved through efficient building services) and a high degree of renewable energy generation is necessar
- Certification of Passive House office buildings @certification:certified_passive_houses
- an. By planning the building for a typical use, a high level of efficiency is reached over the entire li
- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation @certification:passive_house_categories
- esources. The results clearly illustrate that a high level of efficiency of heating is more important