Fulltext results:
- Types of ventilation @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- indispensable in every [[basics:what_is_a_passive_house|Passive House]]. A regular, guaranteed and adequate exchange of air in winter is only possible by means ... rences fluctuate too much in Central Europe. In a house which is not leaky enough for sufficient air exch... oor air pollution. It is correct, and the Passive House Institute shares this opinion, that first of all,
- Air volumes @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- mes? ==== As early as 1991, in the first Passive House in Darmstadt Kranichstein a moisture and CO2-cont... on” of 120 m³/h, the moisture released into\\ the house is diluted so much that under the given external\... on” of 240 m³/h, the moisture released into\\ the house is diluted even more. Relative humidity drops to\... \\ At this rate, the level of air humidity in the house settles at 41%.**//||\\ \\ **Air changes will the
- The ventilation system – there is no alternative
- its small energy consumption, one of the Passive House’s many advantages. In Passive Houses, a healthy i... comfort (see also “Thermal Comfort in the Passive House”), * through controlled home ventilation, which... vel of airtightness of the room meets the Passive House requirement (n50 < 0.6 1/h). * The wind shield ... ption will be to fulfil all the remaining Passive House criteria and build a Passive House. ===== See
- Comparison of energy performance of ventilation systems using passive vs. active heat recovery
- ecovery ====== Author: Dr Tomas Mikeska, Passive House Institute ===== Introduction ===== The standard... a building according to the International Passive House standard ([[https://passiv.de/downloads/03_buildi... electricity consumption for heating in a Passive House with a heat pump system. [{{ :picopen:vent_artic... ment for passive heat recovery systems in Passive House buildings in cold climates. It is also important
- Passive House - 6 reasons why you still need opening windows
- ====== Passive House - 6 reasons why you still need opening windows ====== \\ ==== ...do I need to keep ... .// The standard air exchange provided by Passive House ventilation systems generally is far lower, and w... e event of an emergency.\\ There are few Passive House buildings partially or entirely fitted with fixed... oom used for living is a prerequisite for Passive House buildings to be eligible for certification; there
- Checklist for Design: Ventilation System in a residential Passive House Building
- sign: Ventilation System in a residential Passive House Building====== This checklist for the design of a ventilation system in a residential Passive House building has been written to aid building designe
- Differentiation between Vv and Vn50 values
- lope. ===== Example ===== ==== Single family house - Calculation of TFA, VV and Vn50 ==== | {{:pic... link&20|}} [[planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components:thermal_envelope:airtightness|Airtight
- Basics
- gs]] of the 17<sup>th</sup> International Passive House Conference 2013: // [[planning:building service