Fulltext results:
- Don’t save on the insulation
- the following list. Taking no action will be much more expensive than carrying out insulation measures h... ney – and the better the level of insulation, the more money will be saved. The other features are also ... investment in thermal protection measures creates more employment in Europe and * the reduced energy c... * Don't save on the insulation thickness! Some more insulation material won't cost that much – otherw
- Thermal insulation
- ation has always proven to be effective; to learn more please go to the following page: [[planning:therm... sses through external walls and roofs account for more than 70% of the total heat losses in existing bui... oil per square metre and year compared with 15 or more litres per square metre of living space used by s... sually accomplished for averaging time periods of more than one month.)). In Central Europe, the average
- Insulation vs. thermal mass @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- rn wichtiger als Wärmedämmen? (Is thermal storage more important than thermal protection?) Passivhaus In... th very small energy gains, which is reduced even more by the heat radiation into the cold sky. However,... warm. The period of time spanned by the storage (more than 3 months) is much longer here than it is for... heat flows in the three space dimensions are even more important: These so-called thermal bridge effects
- Types of glazing and their specific values @planning:thermal_protection:windows
- ality thermal protection for windows has advanced more rapidly than for any other building component. Th... are about 7.5 °C. There are no frost patterns any more, but the window surface is still unpleasantly col... er m² each year - and that adds up in 15 years to more than the initial cost of the window itself. Many ... interesting fact is that "glazing" has not become more expensive in spite of the enormously improved qua
- Outdoor thermography @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- ave a much higher average temperature of 9.14 °C. Moreover, their temperatures are not uniform.** This i... he insulation; otherwise the effect would be even more obvious.\\ \\ ==== The complete insulation ==== ... the window is no opened for a long time - see for more information the following Passipedia article: [[:
- Insulation works – Evidence no.1 "Measurements at a highly insulated wall" @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- lot colder than the center of the brick and even more so than the interior surface. Yet, the temperatur... f the time period. However, this is not the case. More exact calculation results will only be obtained b... n for over a century, some of the early ones much more tricky than today’s. Today, the equation is used
- PHI window certification: previous success and new climate zones @planning:thermal_protection:windows:window_certification
- p high-quality windows for market launch. By now, more than 130 windows have been certified in 23 countr... products are constantly becoming both better and more affordable. Improvements in windows and glazing i... dark gray, phC light gray).**//|\\ \\ ===== Read more ===== [[planning:thermal_protection:windows:win
- Thermal protection in retrofits @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- tem (red), which gives an energy\\ consumption of more than 200 kWh/(m²a) before the refur-\\ bishment (... dividual consumption is about 40 kWh/(m²a), still more than 80% less than the average consumption in the
- Energy use for heating in a well insulated new building @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- ement ceiling hadn’t been completed. As a result, more energy (although still very little) was used duri... ment with calculations ===== There are currently more than **20,000 Passive House dwelling units in use
- Comparison of in-situ measurements and hygrothermal simulations of four different interior insulation systems @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works:comparison_of_in_situ_measurements_and_hygrothermal_simulations_of_four_different_interior_insulation_systems
- ch is checked in the following. \\ \\ ===== Read more ===== //The following in-depth articles are avai... Conclusions ===== After a measurement period of more than 2 years hygrothermal simulations using the m
- Thermal protection works
- rely financial terms: The savings in energy costs more than make up for the extra cost for the insulatio