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- Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates
- ovins' idea of reducing the investment by using a more energy efficient design, going that far with effi... for excellent indoor air quality is required any more. Thus, the [[[[basics:the_passive_house_-_defin... y to achieve; in other, colder climates it may be more difficult. And the same applies for cooling: Pa... ices such as cooling or dehumidification are much more important. Again the method to determine a Passiv
- Planning criteria for Passive Houses in New Zealand
- n the respective region (chapter 7). ===== Read more ===== [[basics:passive_houses_in_different_clima... in Germany, so that moisture-related problems are more likely to occur. The results presented in this re... parameters are accurately calculated by the PHPP. More insulation and wider windows decrease the heating... ompactness, shading, orientation etc.) play a far more important role for the overall energy performance
- Passive Houses in hot, humid climates
- _different_climates:hot_humid_climates:dubai|Read more]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?20|}} about the dy... t_humid_climates:dubai:hygrothermal analysis|Read more]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?20|}} about the hy... _passive_houses_for_different_climate_zones| Read more]] about the studies //Passive Houses for differen
- Passive Houses in warm climates
- _passive_houses_for_different_climate_zones| Read more]] about the studies //Passive Houses for differen