Fulltext results:
- The world’s first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- n the Central European climate and therefore need no active heating. Such houses can be kept warm "pas... inimal heating of incoming fresh air((We show at another place that this is possible if the maxial hea... s:Types of glazing and their specific values]].\\ Note that with the selected window area (≈20 m²), tr... sed that energy optimisation for buildings should not be limited solely to heating energy; in fact, al
- Riedberg Passive House School, Frankfurt, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools
- apid expansion in the last few years, also in the non-residential sector. Administrative buildings, fa... for Cost-efficient Passive Houses”** [[examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:cent... school and day nursery, the City of Frankfurt is now moving in the direction of the Passive House Sta... nursery in Riedberg Frankfurt a.M. was opened in November 2004 after a construction period of only 14
- Multi-family Passive House buildings in Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- esign helped close a gap in the inner city area.|Another Passive House multi-storey building project i... chitekten Reinig) and realised\\ by Hafenstraßengenossenschaft e.G.\\ The results have been evaluated ... mentation of a similar Passive House estate in Hannover \\ with 32 houses, including plans, connection... onsberg_Kurzfassung_www.pdf|Passivhaussiedlung Hannover Kronsberg]] (in German)|More than 100 new Pass
- Non-residential buildings
- ====== Non-residential buildings ====== The Passive House Standard allows for best possible levels of comfort as well as enormous energy savings - not only for residential buildings. The Passive House Standard has been success... ools as well as kindergartens. ---- [[Examples:Non-residential buildings:Passive House schools]] [
- Secondary School in Baesweiler, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools
- ons in the classrooms, due to this schoolchildren no longer become tired so quickly.\\ \\ The lighting... t, and if necessary, switched off completely when not required.\\ \\ For the sports hall, a thermal so... 1 after moderni-\\ sation; The thermal envelope\\ now “hangs” in front of the\\ bearing structure.**//... uccessful application for funding by the State of Northrhine-Westfalia in the context of the Investmen
- Riedberg Passive House School, Frankfurt, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe
- apid expansion in the last few years, also in the non-residential sector. Administrative buildings, fa... for Cost-efficient Passive Houses”** [[examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:cent... school and day nursery, the City of Frankfurt is now moving in the direction of the Passive House Sta... nursery in Riedberg Frankfurt a.M. was opened in November 2004 after a construction period of only 14
- Single-family Passive House buildings in Germany and Austria @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- \ Carsten Grobe has planned and built a number of non-residential\\ Passive House buildings which he p... ternational Passive House Conference.|\\ \\ ==== North-Rhine Westphalia ==== |{{ :picopen:passivhaus... t Passive Houses estate, the first of its kind in North-Rhine\\ Westphalia and the first free-standing... by\\ Prehal and Poppe Architects. The house does not require a\\ conventional heating system and is h
- Passive House kindergartens @examples:non-residential_buildings
- == Passive House kindergartens ====== [[Examples:Non-residential buildings:passive_house_kindergartens:central_europe|Central Europe]] [[Examples:Non-residential buildings:passive_house_kindergartens:northern_europe|Northern Europe]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?nolink&20|}}
- The Nestwerk Residential Project in Dresden @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- built using ecological building materials and technologies. The two buildings, consisting of three ter... ldings were exclusivley made of materials that do not pose a health risk. The wall construction consis... e of solid construction timber, in order to avoid non-windproof wall-to-ceiling connections. A total o... ted according to stringent ecological principles. No chemical wood protection was applied, only the oa
- St. Josef Caritas-Haus, Germany - the first prefabricated large module Passive House nursing home @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe
- The structural design of the former building did not meet the demands for the care of the elderly any... ove-average personnel costs being one of them). Renovation combined with a complete conversion of the ... nts are meant to feel comfortable here and should not feel that they have to spend their remaining lif... inal residential group. Moving the resident into another unfamiliar single room within the building ca
- Residential buildings
- house_planning_package]].** ---- [{{:picopen:hannover_kronsberg_phi.jpg?350}}]**Another well documented and monitored example for Passive Houses can be found in Hannover-Kronsberg, Germany. These 32 row houses in Pa... eport "Climate Neutral Passive House Estate in Hannover- Kronsberg: Construction and Measurement Resu
- Secondary School in Baesweiler, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe
- ons in the classrooms, due to this schoolchildren no longer become tired so quickly.\\ \\ The lighting... t, and if necessary, switched off completely when not required.\\ \\ For the sports hall, a thermal so... 1 after moderni-\\ sation; The thermal envelope\\ now “hangs” in front of the\\ bearing structure.**//... uccessful application for funding by the State of Northrhine-Westfalia in the context of the Investmen
- Passive House schools - best practice examples @examples:non-residential_buildings
- a few early examples from Germany. \\ [[examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:Ried... _passivhaus.jpg?150 }} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [[examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:Seco... \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ===== See also ===== [[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:Passive Hous
- Playing on the Passive House hill - the new kindergarten in the Heidenau city park @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_kindergartens:central_europe
- truct\\ a new kindergarten for 72 children at the northern\\ edge of the park where the city park hill... the surroundings. The kindergarten building does not interfere with the existing park or the trees st... esidents of the surrounding area for other events not related to the kindergarten. Like the multifunc... onal areas and auxiliary rooms are located on the northern side as the backbone of the building. The
- “Am Buir”, Wassenberg, Germany – the world’s smallest Passive House @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- good fire-resisting properties. The material does not contain CFC and HCFC and therefore does not pose a health hazard. The insulation material was appli... se the risk of cracks, the insulation panels were notched at the corners of windows and doors preventi
- Playing in a Passive House - A timber/mudbrick building for children @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_kindergartens:central_europe
- Neuwerk Caritas-Haus, Germany - the world’s first Passive House nursing home for the elderly @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe