Fulltext results:
- Energy Efficiency in Domestic Electrical Energy Use
- category. Entertainment equipment must, however, not be neglected. The recent development to ever lar... he observed population has only been very limited no definite conclusions are possible. The available data do not, however, support the assumption of a meaningful... V systems. Two out of three samples, however, did not support the viability of this approach, while on
- Renovation Strategies assessed via District Energy Balance
- ====== Renovation Strategies assessed via District Energy Balance ====== Author: Dr. Jürgen Schnieder... ances that was developed in Sinfonia, different renovation strategies for a residential district were ... ated. The resulting recommendation is to always renovate to high efficiency levels, but not necessarily renovate as quickly as possible. \\ Within Sinfon
- Heat losses caused by drain pipes in the PHPP
- ity of data input, certain inaccuracies that will not affect the overall functionality of the building... the simplifications, conservative estimates of unknown quantities are preferred. \\ ---- ===== Hea... at transfer coefficient per unit length that is denoted by Ψ and is given in W/(mK). The temperature o... f the incoming air at the bottom of the pipe is denoted by T<sub>sewer</sub>. //ṁc<sub>p</sub>// is th
- Experience Passive House - Passive House Open Days
- ergies. \\ Many people are curious about this innovative concept but they still have a variety of qu... their doors to the public every second weekend in November. The Passive House Open Days are a great opportunity for the public to gain valuable knowledge and to experience the high level of living ... specially useful for those who want to build or renovate their own homes \\ ===== How could an Open D
- SINFONIA Condensation Tool
- d to gather; the theory requires highly specific knowledge of hygrothermal calculation. \\ The most co... n values available for the building materials are not sufficient for describing the moisture transfer ... s for lightweight and airtight components that do not contain materials with a large water storage cap... re based on simplified calculations. Users should note that where a component is not verified followin
- Electric Energy Efficiency for Households – Doing the whole step towards energy efficiency
- ing and domestic hot water preparation. But it is not sufficient to stop at the building level. This i... n the summer. [{{ :picopen:energy_consulting.png?nolink&700|© PHI}}] ===== Personal Consultancy ====... duration of usage were estimated. To ensure that no larger consumers are forgotten the listing is com... y, investing in a new appliance can be absolutely not recommendable or highly profitable. Furthermore
- Monitoring heat consumption: Calculation and Demand @sinfonia:monitoring_heat_consumption
- fficient buildings, a building that is 1 K warmer normally increases the heating demand by more than 2... nes}} ---- {{:picopen:sinfonia_logo_cmyk_hr.png?nolink&145 |}} {{:picopen:eu_flagge.jpg?nolink&120 |}} //This article was written in the framework of t... opean Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant