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- Heating load in Passive Houses
- , the heating demand in Passive Houses (typically no higher than 15 kWh/(m²a)) is negligible – only ab... x). \\ The specific values for heating loads are not identical with the ones for energy (measured in ... P> \\ A building whose maximum heating load does not exceed the available capacity of the supply air distribution system will no longer require other heat distribution pipes and
- Definition and effects of thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges
- d and **heating energy is saved**. </WRAP> ===== Normative definition of thermal bridges ===== In [D... lope is considered. The following equation in the norm DIN 14683 (Section 4.2) makes a distinction bet... h good approximation. The reason for this is that no cross-flows occur in them on account of their hom... . The heat transfer coefficient is defined in the norm [DIN6946] and can be calculated with little eff
- Unheated basement @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- principles ===== Active temperature control does not take place in unheated basements. As a rule, low... sary. In energy balances the unheated basement is not taken into account in the treated floor area, bu... ased in turn on the approximation function of the norm for taking into account of the ground. Ventilat... :unbeheizter_keller_abb_3d.png?800 |}} \\ ===== Normative method ===== ==== Calculation of the condu
- Special features and characteristics of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- n the case of components with ground contact does not differ from that for other thermal bridges. Howe... temperatures around freezing point initially does not remain as snow on the ground. Nonetheless, exact specification of the surface temperature is very di... ponent. However, the heat transfer resistance can no longer be determined in accordance with R = λ/d b
- Exterior wall on floor slab @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- :aussenwand_auf_bodenplatte_abb_5.png?800 |}} **Note!** //Before preparing the calculation model, it... mple, blinding layers can be disregarded which do not have any significant insulating effect on accoun... e $L_{2d}$. If the actual size of the building is not known, B‘ can be selected for the option B, but it should not be too small ($B' > 5 \, \text{m}$). $B' = 7{,}9
- Adaptive versus Heat Balance Comfort Models @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- ers, Passive House Institute.\\ ===== Why PHI is not using adaptive comfort models ===== \\ A common ... p to 35 °C are predicted. The adaptive models do not rely on a physiological model of the human body,... ort temperature of people inside a building could not be found in any study. People do, of course, adj... h in turn depend on the exterior temperatures for non-air-conditioned buildings), a fact that is alrea
- Recommended procedure for calculating thermal bridges of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- ll blocks of earth in the calculation models * no depiction of the ground, in a similar way to calc... length and position of the floor slabs ==== The norm DIN EN ISO 10211 provides two options for calcu... n the Ground worksheet of the PHPP. The PHPP does not use heat flow simulations for this and instead u... must be the same in both calculation models. This norm recommends a floor slab length of 4 metres. **N
- Local thermal comfort @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- y warm even in winter (external walls, roofs etc. not more than 1 °C below the indoor air temperature,... r speeds in the room (apart from leaks – which do not occur in the airtight Passive House anyway) are ... : even though there is a heater under the window, no draughts occur in the living area.\\ \\ |{{ :pico... value. If the insulating effect of the window is not so good, the air\\ speeds rise to critical level
- Software for calculating thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation
- ources and heat sinks} \end{align} </WRAP> It is not possible to solve this partial differential equa... dimensional with constant boundary conditions and no heat sources/sinks, an already known analytical s... uracy regardless of the method used. It should be noted that not every software program can perform calculations in a non-steady state, i.e. time-independ
- What defines thermal bridge free design?
- s:thermal_bridge_definition|thermal bridges]] are not greater than the result calculated using the ext... rmal bridges can be reduced so much that they do not have to be taken into account in the energy bal... tributions are generally insignificant, they will not be discussed in detail here. ($\varPsi$ **is the... systems for which all connection details that are normally required have been certified as "thermal br
- Thermal comfort parameters @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- (U=0.8 W/(m²K)) the maximum air speed is a barely noticeable 0.11 m/s. If the insulating value of the ... y high values. Therefore it is recommended, with "normal windows", to position a heating element under... ltriness limit in relation to the air humidity is not exceeded, * air speeds are within closely d... the perceived temperatures in the room change by no more than 0.8 °C at different locations. Regardi
- Heated basement @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- ====== Heated basement ====== In the norms DIN EN ISO 13370 and DIN EN ISO 10211, only one Ψ-value is... {{ :picopen:beheizter_keller_abb_6.png?500 |}} Note: this is not a thermal bridge free connection. In the example given here it is relatively clear tha... nt wall connection to the basement floor slab has not been implemented in an ideal manner. One would
- Basic principle for calculating thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation
- heat transfer resistances should be selected. The norm **DIN EN ISO 10211** is decisive for the calcul... boundary conditions for the temperatures, it does not matter which temperatures are set for the inside... tures and thermal capacities of the materials are not taken into account in the steady-state simulatio... r temperature and the outdoor temperature. In the norm DIN 4108-2 (Section 6.3) the following boundary
- Heat transfer
- etween different materials. Air, as long as it is not moving, has a very low thermal conductivity (~0.... 0 times that of the air. Insulation materials are nothing more than very lightweight structures, which
- Thermal Bridges Catalogue @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges
- e_free_design|thermal bridge free]] connection is not possible (e.g. modernisation to the EnerPHit Sta... e, the best of our knowledge and belief. However, no liability can be accepted for any content-related... logue - Full Version]]{{:picopen:members_only.png?nolink&20}}| For an even more precise identificatio... idge_tool|here]]. {{:picopen:sinfonia_eu_phi.png?nolink&300}} ---- ===== See also ===== Click [[:p