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- Criteria for buildings in other languages
- promotion of the Passive House concept but please note that they are for** information purposes only and not binding**. If you wish to translate building ce... open:20130604_passivehouse_certification_criteria_nonresidential_bg.pdf|Non-residential in Bulgarian}} \\ {{:picopen:20130604_enerphit_certification_crite
- Certification of Passive House office buildings
- area being the “treated floor area” of the PHPP, not the office area). From the PHI’s experience this... y and also because the use of a building is often not permanent and not always prior known. A certain pattern of usage may change after a couple of year... rtification with the standard internal gains will not be counterproductive for the higher occupancy le
- Sample Documents for Building Certification
- for renewable energy generation systems that are not installed on the building site === Guidance, ch