Fulltext results:
- List of Passive House Conference contributions since 1996
- ner Berg, Torer |Erfahrungen mit Passivhäusern in Norwegen |117 |Global cooperation |The Norwegian Passive House experience |109 | |2013 |17 |Weltweite Z... influence the energy balance and affordability of non-residential EnerPHit projects]] |215 | |2013 |... 3 |Energy-efficient building services |[[planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_a
- List of articles from the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses
- rts |Building concepts for hot summers - Focus on non-residential buildings|Introduction: Significance... ten |Building concepts for hot summers - Focus on non-residential buildings|Sensitivity study on summe... ung |Building concepts for hot summers - Focus on non-residential buildings|Approaches for good summer... utz |Building concepts for hot summers - Focus on non-residential buildings|Proven passive measures: s
- PB 41: Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings @phi_publications:pb_41
- PB 41: Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings ====== Dr. Jürgen Schniede... === 1 Introduction ===== The summer behaviour of non-residential buildings often plays an important r... ome circumstances, a dress code may also apply in non-residential buildings which, in case of moderate... are therefore particularly relevant when planning non-residential buildings. In principle, it is alwa
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2011 to 2014
- oceedings from 2011 to 2014 ====== |**Year** |**NO** |**Session ** |**Author** |**Title** |**Page NO** | |^ |^ |^ |^ |2014 |18 |Plenary |Remmel, Joha... ssion I |Murschall, Hartmut |Energy efficiency in North-Rhine-Westphalia: political commitment and sup... cher, Peter |E-View - an online monitoring system not only for public administrative bodies |99 | |20
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2015 to 2018
- oceedings from 2015 to 2018 ====== |**Year** |**NO** |**Session ** |**Author** |**Title** |**Page NO** | |^ |^ |^ |^ |2018 |22 |Preface |Feist, Wolfg... ; Driving Change for High Performance Building in North America |167 | |2018 |22 |Session III |Nicho... ssion III |Maurer, Alexander |Monitoring Canada's Northernmost Passive House |185 | |2018 |22 |Sessi
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2019 to 2023
- nference-proceedings-5/|PHI Shop]]. |**Year** |**No** |**Session** |**Author** |**Title** | ^ ^^ ^^ |... ion 04|Duncan Allen|Passivhaus PLUS at 60 Degrees North| |2023|26|session 03|Ely Torsten|Airtightness ... Benjamin, \\ Schnieders Jürgen|Energy efficiency NOW! Why high efficiency is more important than ever... uation of a Passive House residential building in northern China based on long-term monitoring in wint