Fulltext results:
- Special features and characteristics of components in contact with the ground
- st formation, seepage and ground water. However, only the physical characteristics of the ground are re... ust 0.02 W/(m 2•K), so the relevant heat exchange only takes place towards the outside air. The heat flo... (on 21.07) in the test reference years shown here only has an impact 91 days later at a depth of 5 m. He... ional effort. Moreover, on account of the usually only imprecisely known thermal characteristics of the
- Recommended procedure for calculating thermal bridges of components in contact with the ground
- he rows 55-58 which are hidden). These values can only be determined if the dimensions of the components... re known, because these specific U-values are not only dependent on their component build-up but also on... nally using an "infinitely" long analogous model (only two-dimensional heat flows). The previously menti