Fulltext results:
- Adaptive versus Heat Balance Comfort Models
- temperature difference may result in a vote of +2 only, whereas the same condition would be rated +3 by ... ive models. * In practice, adaptive models are only applied to the upper limit of the comfort range, ... t of the ambient temperature. * The models are only applied to **‘free running’** buildings, whereas ... onditions have been **determined indirectly** not only from actual votes “comfortable”, but from all vot
- Thermal comfort parameters
- nents, the temperature of the interior surface is only slightly different from the other indoor temperat... t of a sitting person is less than 2 °C - however only under the condition that the effective median U-v... g and their specific values]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25|}} [[phi_publications:pb_25:comfort_crite
- Local thermal comfort
- **the temperature of the interior surfaces varies only slightly from the surrounding temperature in the ... ankles of a seated person is less than 2 °C - but only if the ** effective average U-value of the extern