Fulltext results:
- Airtightness and airtightness measurement
- ng in through the thermal insulation, which would otherwise impair the insulating effect and lead to incr... ding into several zones and test them one after another. It must be made sure that dividing the building ... e not tested at that time can be pressurized by another fan to the same preasure as the tested zone (guar... ightly the suspension has been carried out. Among other things, this stipulation according to [[.:airtigh
- Improving thermal bridges and airtightness in existing buildings
- the 50s and 60s, and also for those in the 70s as other materials were also used (e.g. pumice), but the r... modernisation approaches hardly differ from each other. In the years up to 1950, wood beam ceilings were... basement ceiling, later on increasingly also for other floors except for the topmost ceiling. The typica... f each of the individual component layers to each other, it will not be possible to achieve an adequate s
- Insulation measures for the external envelope
- nsulated exterior wall over a 20-year period. The other four columns give the overall costs (i.e. additio... ment: low budget – low quality ....**|| \\ On the other hand, the question that arises in connection with