Fulltext results:
- The world’s first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- nimal heating of incoming fresh air((We show at another place that this is possible if the maxial heating... of the first Passive House at Kranichstein; among other things: * alternative architectural drafts were... _germany#Addition|addition]]. **//|\\ \\ ===== Another move forward: the cost-effective Passive House ==... improvements into practice. This also applies to other areas of energy use, e.g. in transportation. Impr
- Neuwerk Caritas-Haus, Germany - the world’s first Passive House nursing home for the elderly @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe
- The graveyard is opposite the nursing home on the other side of the street. The client finally decided in... ffice and specially equipped bathrooms as well as other auxiliary rooms. The administrative areas of the... iliar surroundings instead of having to move to another residential group.\\ \\ For the client, and in pa
- Multi-family Passive House buildings in Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- sign helped close a gap in the inner city area.|Another Passive House multi-storey building project in Ha
- Single-family Passive House buildings in Germany and Austria @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- :poppe_prehal_passivhaus_woeginger.jpg?400 }}| |Another design by Prehal and Poppe Architects:\\ the **Pa