Fulltext results:
- Greenhouse effect and climate protection
- and gloom. The scientific community has known about these interactions since the late 70s: Carbon was... ge quantities. Rainfall and vegetation has washed out and bound this CO<sub>2</sub> in the course of bi... rld climate.** Infernal surface temperatures of about 450°C prevail on our neighbouring planet Venus. ... r the environment in Germany, have always pointed out that mankind, with its unchecked fuel consumption
- Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses
- roach: cost-efficient highly insulated houses without any heating systems, called Passive Houses, const... ace**. Their heating energy consumption is thus about two-thirds less than that of an existing building... rical connection - today, no-one wishes to be without a refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, ligh... house doesn't **require any supply of energy from outside the premises** - apart from the naturally occ
- Primary Energy Renewable PER
- be reduced (e.g. for multi-storey buildings) without affecting the “gap” too much. The amount to be ta... nities|Link to external article here]] [[https://outphit.eu/media/filer_public/23/f8/23f86d16-7b27-4a26-950c-40e11c045bf8/d68_outphit_adequatenetzeroratingapproach.pdf|Adequate ne... s]]. A report written in context of the [[https://outphit.eu/|outPHit]] project. [[https://blog.passiv
- Primary energy – quantifying sustainability
- total primary energy consumption is reduced by about 40 % altogether in contrast with old existing bui... the Passive House in Darmstadt-Kranichstein, without any impairment in comfort. Due to insulation of t... ordinary //new// construction (EnEV)**. This is about twice the savings achieved by the EnEV standard i... sources **can be transported to the building without much effort - and surplus electricity that is gen
- Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard
- quired for their construction accounts for only about 5% in comparison with the energy required in the ... ng the period of use in the low-energy house is about the same with 45% for each. Improvement is possib... can be achieved with an insulation thickness of about 23 cm. The heat distribution system and the rema... f Passive House planning is appropriately carried out using the **Passive House Planning Package (PHPP)
- Renewable sources of energy
- but in a Passive House the user can afford it without any problem. Therefore the use of renewable energ