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- Immediate measures
- ace heating is used to replace heat losses to the outside. Some of these heat losses can easily be redu... ed thermal protection measures, preferably on the outside of existing buildings, are significantly more... e reduced, which leads to a reduction in the heat output as well as the annual consumption * At the ... rmal protection. And, in the worst case, even without any heating it stays warm for longer, and in case
- "Saving energy" in the sense of sufficiency
- improvements are undertaken systematically throughout the components' lifecycles, then the building's o... space heating demand in Passive Houses is only about one tenth of the contemporary average)). Thus, le... ature change (e.g. are asleep). However, the heat output is initially much higher when switching on the... note for those living in multi-family buildings: out of regard for neighbours, the room temperature sh
- If you do it, do it right!
- hoose superior thermal protection]] * [[https://outphit.eu/en/our-work/|Link to a current EU-project ... and benefitting the local economy. ==== What about economy, cost and financing? ==== **Tips:** ... nal investment costs in line with improved energy outcomes. * In exceptional situations (e.g. the
- For trade disciplines
- ruction especially for tradespeople. You can find out more here: [[https://cms.passivehouse.com/de/trai