Fulltext results:
- Energy Efficiency in Domestic Electrical Energy Use
- ghly energy efficient appliances were used throughout a considerable improvement could be expected, e.g... large. The latter is also true for telephone/DSL routers as these are operated 24/7. These should be in... t date. A measurable effect was obtained in three out of four samples, while in one case the situation ... price during high-yield hours of PV systems. Two out of three samples, however, did not support the vi
- SINFONIA Condensation Tool
- eral information and the necessary instructions about how to use the tool. * **Climate:** there are
- Heat losses caused by drain pipes in the PHPP
- mstadt, Germany ===== Scope ===== This article outlines a calculation method for the heat losses cau... that are closed at the bottom, e.g. chimneys without connection to the room air, a heat tranfer coeffi
- Experience Passive House - Passive House Open Days
- where residents of Passive House buildings throughout the world open their doors to the public. \\ ===... enewable energies. \\ Many people are curious about this innovative concept but they still have a variety of questions about the functioning and everyday life in a Passive Ho
- Renovation Strategies assessed via District Energy Balance
- e energy demand of the building stock is to carry out deep refurbishments whenever the respective compo
- Monitoring heat consumption: Calculation and Demand @sinfonia:monitoring_heat_consumption
- all circumstances, the actual weather conditions (outdoor temperature AND global radiation) and the ind... ly then it will be possible to draw conclusions about any deviations, errors and user influences. ---