Fulltext results:
- The world’s first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany
- r standardisation, calculations are still carried out using values that are far too optimistic((This is... ng, sealing with polyethylene sheeting bonded without jointing, gypsum plasterboard 12.5 mm, wood-chip ... ating. The flat-collector thermal system covers about 66% of the dhw consumption in the Passive House i... ntinuous interior plaster or vapour retarders without any gaps – as appropriate from a building physics
- Multi-family Passive House buildings in Germany
- 24 low-energy houses at the same site, carried\\ out by the Institute for Housing and Environment (IWU... 400 }}| |This **Passive House retrofit**, carried out by GAG in Ludwigshafen\\ was presented by Andrè Z
- The Nestwerk Residential Project in Dresden
- installations, heating ventilation) amounts to about 17%. If only heating and ventilation are taken into account, this share is about 9 % (//**Table 1**//). On the basis of these val... ative analysis for a low-energy house was carried out the results of which were used for a dynamic econ... ogical Passive House. Clients do not want to miss out on the design quality of their houses in order to