Fulltext results:
- Energy Efficiency in Domestic Electrical Energy Use
- ghly energy efficient appliances were used throughout a considerable improvement could be expected, e.g... t date. A measurable effect was obtained in three out of four samples, while in one case the situation ... price during high-yield hours of PV systems. Two out of three samples, however, did not support the vi... or completeness, the major concern was to learn about the user behaviour when feedback on their energy
- SINFONIA Condensation Tool
- eral information and the necessary instructions about how to use the tool. * **Climate:** there are
- Experience Passive House - Passive House Open Days
- where residents of Passive House buildings throughout the world open their doors to the public. \\ ===... enewable energies. \\ Many people are curious about this innovative concept but they still have a variety of questions about the functioning and everyday life in a Passive Ho
- Heat losses caused by drain pipes in the PHPP
- that are closed at the bottom, e.g. chimneys without connection to the room air, a heat tranfer coeffi
- Renovation Strategies assessed via District Energy Balance
- e energy demand of the building stock is to carry out deep refurbishments whenever the respective compo