Fulltext results:
- Planning criteria for Passive Houses in New Zealand
- ====== Planning criteria for Passive Houses in New Zealand ====== //**Commissioned by the School of Archi... n November 2011//'' ===== Introduction ===== The Passive House concept is a highly energy efficient building standard. Passive Houses consume very little energy and yet provide... ry low required heating load of around 10 W/m², a Passive House can be kept warm solely by heating the supp
- Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates
- ====== Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates ====== |{{:picopen:map_ph_different_cl... taken as the general rule governing the design of Passive House buildings in all climates around the globe.| \\ \\ \\ ===== Passive House buildings: a method rather than a building ... is a lot of practical experience on how to build Passive House buildings. But it would be a pitfall just t
- Passive Houses in hot, humid climates
- ====== Passive Houses in hot, humid climates ====== ===== Dubai ===== (extract of the study //Passive Houses for different climate zones// which can be... \ \\ **Dynamic building simulations for Reference Passive Houses:** \\ [[basics:passive_houses_in_different_climates:hot_humid_climates:dubai|Read more]] {{:picop
- Passive Houses in warm climates
- ====== Passive Houses in warm climates ====== [[basics:passive_houses_in_different_climates:passive_houses_in_mediterranean_climate:introduction]] [[basics:passive_houses_in_different_climates:planning_criteria_fo