Fulltext results:
- Economy and financing of efficiency: new buildings, renovation and step by step retrofit @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- s, renovation and step by step retrofit ====== {{:picopen:iee_.png?nolink}} [[http://europhit.eu|{{:picopen:europhit_logo.png?nolink}}]] \\ \\ Authors: Witta Ebel,... ts should be profitable on the long run. \\ |{{:picopen:18pht_ebel_fig_1.png}}|//**Figure 1:** Cash value... ed. In particular, it is necessary to verify: |{{:picopen:18pht_ebel_fig2.png}}|{{:picopen:18pht_ebel_fig3.
- Economic feasibility of Passive House design
- {{:picopen:newco-funded-iee-horiz.jpg?250}} [[http://www.passreg.eu/|{{:picopen:logo_passreg.png?200}}]] \\ \\ \\ \\ Author: Be... ation a building – can be added up easily. [{{ :picopen:full_life_cycle_costs_for_renovation_of_single_fa... components are reported in detail below. \\ [{{ :picopen:row_house_project_with_9_dwelling_units_as_ph_bui
- Are Passive Houses cost-effective? @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- will be sufficient; no extra costs}// \\ \\ |{{ :picopen:einfamilienhaus.jpg?400 }}| |//**__Fig.1:__ The s... eating oil are\\ used for heating.**//|\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:daemm_neh_ph.png?400 }}| |//**__Fig. 2:__ The mos... will not be taken into account either.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:groundfloor_sfh_passivehouse.png?400 }}| |//**__F... entilation ducts are\\ very short.**//|\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:2f_efh_passivehouse.png?400 }}| |//**__Fig. 4:__
- Superior thermal protection is affordable @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- protection is affordable#Literature]]).\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:wirtschaftlich_daemmen.png }}| |//**__Table:__ Ho... nsulation using a compound insulation system. {{:picopen:wirtschaftlichkeit_daemmung_aussenwand.png|}} ==... ion of the study can be found here, in German: {{:picopen:wirtschaftlichkeit_waermedaemmung.pdf|Economic fe
- Life cycle cost analysis of energy interventions in 18 reference buildings
- {{:picopen:newco-funded-iee-horiz.jpg?300}} [[http://www.passreg.eu/|{{:picopen:logo_passreg.png?230}}]] \\ \\ ====== Life cycl
- Investing in energy efficiency
- energy efficiency:Economic feasibility of Passive House retrofits]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?25}}\\ \\
- Cost-effectiveness analysis @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- verall capacity limit, see "peak oil".//\\ \\ |{{:picopen:energiepreis2006_neu.gif|}}| |//**__ Fig. 1:__ De