Fulltext results:
- Thermal comfort parameters
- ested in the scientific background [5],[6]. [{{:picopen:fig._1_air_movement_near_to_a_passive_house_windo... this have to do with the Passive House?===== [{{:picopen:fig._2_stratification.jpg?510 | **Fig. 2** Strati... "A". (computation: J. Schnieders, PHI). }}] [{{:picopen:fig._3_passive_house_practice.jpg?510 |**Fig. 3**... I, from the Passive House Kranichstein).}}] [{{:picopen:fig._4_typical_practice.jpg?510 |**Fig. 4** Typic
- Local thermal comfort
- , no draughts occur in the living area.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:luft_v_u_0_8.png }}| |//**__Fig. 1:__ Air movemen... dows with various insulation qualities.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:3warmfenster_thermographie_mit_logo.png?300 }}|{{ :picopen:2isolierglas_thermographie_mit_logo.png?300 }}|{{ :picopen:2waermeschutzglas_thermographie_mit_logo.png?250
- Adaptive versus Heat Balance Comfort Models
- bient conditions he or she is subjected to. [{{ :picopen:Fig.1.Adaptive_confort.png?500 |**Fig. 1: Adaptiv... udies|Summary of the parametric studies for tropical climates]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?nolink&20|}}\\