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- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation
- er) lie within these two extreme scenarios. [{{:picopen:per_faktoren_infografik_en.jpg?700|Figure 1: Ener... ns caused e.g. by different user behaviour. [{{:picopen:per_2_en.jpg?700|Figure 2: Top left: Load profile... icity transmission via the electrical grid. [{{:picopen:per_3_farbe_en.jpg?700|Figure 3: Example of hourl... nal cooling in a heating dominated climate. [{{:picopen:per_4_en.jpg?700|Figure 4: The PER factors are eq
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached
- ewable primary power production (Figure 1). [{{:picopen:20150311_passivehouseclasses_press_release_phi.jp... now 2,000 liters) will be fully loaded (1b). [{{:picopen:passivhaus-klassen_gerstetten.jpg?700|Figure 2: G... primary energy of 60 kWh/(m²a) is exceeded. [{{:picopen:passivhaus-klassen_traunstein.jpg?700|Figure 3: T... of, the Passive House Plus level is reached. [{{:picopen:passivhaus-klassen_erdinger_moos.jpg?700|Figure 4