Fulltext results:
- Passive House Schools - Boundary Conditions
- evels (for example the particulate matter). [{{ :picopen:bremen_gruppenraum_lueftung_passivhausschule.jpg?... eased number of persons present in schools. [{{ :picopen:passivhausschule_waldshut.jpg?direct&300|The Just... ive **air quality indicator** can be based. [{{ :picopen:co2_radon_messung_fenster_lueftung.png?direct&300... while at the same keeping a safety margin. [{{ :picopen:passivhaus_schule_klaus_dittrich_untertrifaller.j
- Passive House schools – How to go about it
- W/(m²K) (building physics at connections). [{{ :picopen:passivhausschule_montessori_aufkirchen_muenchen.j... eratures should be above 13°C everywhere**. [{{ :picopen:passivhausschule_alsfeld1900und2007_k.jpg?direct&... . by the use of heaters near the windows). [{{ :picopen:thermographie_altbau_alsfeld.png?direct&300|Old b... all and roof also radiate a lot of heat.}}] [{{ :picopen:thermographie_neubau_passivhaus_kippfenster.png?d