Fulltext results:
- Primary Energy Renewable PER
- future scenario. [{{:picopen:per_landing_fig_1.png?600 |**Fig 1: Primary Energy Rating: From PE to P... dress the demand. |[{{:picopen:per_landing_fig_2.png?250|**Fig 2: The net-zero Low energy building (LE... ally stored...**}}]|[{{:picopen:per_landing_fig_3.png?250|**Fig. 3: The same building as a Passive Hous... ergy building.**}}]|[{{:picopen:per_landing_fig_4.png?250|**Fig. 4: In the case of the Passive House, t
- Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard
- Röhm 1993] ]].\\ \\ |{{:picopen:comparison_ced_80.png?400|}} | //__Legend__:\\ **Vergleich: KEA über 80... low-energy house.\\ \\ |{{:picopen:comparison_ced.png?400}}| |//**__Fig. 2__: Temporal development of t... \ |{{:picopen:production_energy_demand_insulation.png?400}}|// For comparison: Insulation to the Passiv... 05 cm (!)).\\ \\ |{{:picopen:ced_80_insulation_ph.png??400}}| |//**__Fig. 4__ Cumulated primary energy
- Greenhouse effect and climate protection
- ion of 96%.**//|\\ |{{:picopen:erde_von_messenger.png?150}}|//**Planet Earth viewed from space (image b... ffect **.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:co2_mauna_kea_messung.png?400 }}|//This time series was obtained from quant... onomy ==== {{:picopen:bundesrepublik_ddr_energie.png?216 }} The primary energy consumption per person... n 2: Locomotives ==== {{:picopen:dampf-lok_e-lok.png?216 }} Railway companies didn't switch from steam
- Renewable sources of energy
- .\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:endenergie_erneuerbare_farbig.png?350 }}|{{ :picopen:endenergie_erneuerbare_und_effizienz_farbig.png?350 }}| |**//With constantly high energy consumpt
- Primary energy – quantifying sustainability
- \\ |{{ :picopen:primaerenergiekennwertvergleich_k.png?390 }}| //**Comparison of the primary energy dem
- Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses
- \\ | {{ :picopen:primaerenergiekennwertvergleich.png }}| The stacked columns shown for the Passive Hou