Fulltext results:
- Types of ventilation
- g through cracks. \\ |{{ :picopen:nat_ventilation.png?400 }}| |//**Wind and weather fluctuate - so does... en:2mal_fensterlueften_reicht_nicht_muenzenberg_k.png }}| |//**This diagram illustrates why sufficie... ality.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:fresh_air_valve_cold_air.png?400 }}| |//**Thermographic image of an external a... more quickly.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:cross_ventilation.png?400 }}| |//**Ventilation only functions properly
- Air volumes
- e air volumes by the user ==== {{:picopen:switch.png?250}}\\ In principle, it makes sense to allow occ... llustration).\\ \\ |{{:picopen:vapour-temperature.png}}| |//**The amount of water contained in cold air... ning less dust).\\ \\ |{{:picopen:humidity120qm33.png}}| |//**With “normal ventilation” of 120 m³/h, th... ed ventilation” ==== |{{:picopen:humidity240qm26.png}}| |//**With “increased ventilation” of 240 m³/h,