Fulltext results:
- The world’s first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- fresh air((We show at another place that this is possible if the maxial heating load is kept below 1o W/m²(... tion had to be minimised.** Otherwise it would be possible to reduce the heating energy requirement to "zero... . Only by combining all of these measures it was possible to achieve the ambitious objective of an exceedin... ected to create as little indoor air pollution as possible. The insulating materials are airtightly separate
- St. Josef Caritas-Haus, Germany - the first prefabricated large module Passive House nursing home @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe
- d for combining two rooms. In this way it is also possible, for example for a married couple, to share two r... ing these into two separate single rooms again is possible without great effort. In this way, it can be ensu... und € 8500 in the total annual expenditure became possible from the very beginning (the annual advantage in ... he prefabrication in the production halls, it was possible to assemble the modules on site in just a few day
- Secondary School in Baesweiler, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools
- Environment Foundation). In this way, it will be possible for other local authorities to approach energy-or... d, disproportionate, impersonal blocks that are impossible to realise in a good quality architectural style”... re clearly defined.\\ \\ Rapid implementation was possible due to the successful application for funding by
- Riedberg Passive House School, Frankfurt, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools
- able for further projects. This research was made possible due to commissioning by the City of Frankfurt am ... eading through the building should be as short as possible even if they are insulated.\\ \\ ==== Heating co
- Playing in a Passive House - A timber/mudbrick building for children @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_kindergartens:central_europe
- % glass facade on the north-facing side – is that possible? ===== In a Passive House, the largest glazing a... air. In this way, together with the plants, it is possible to maintain the minimum acceptable level of air h
- Riedberg Passive House School, Frankfurt, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe
- able for further projects. This research was made possible due to commissioning by the City of Frankfurt am ... eading through the building should be as short as possible even if they are insulated.\\ \\ ==== Heating co
- Secondary School in Baesweiler, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe
- Environment Foundation). In this way, it will be possible for other local authorities to approach energy-or... d, disproportionate, impersonal blocks that are impossible to realise in a good quality architectural style”... re clearly defined.\\ \\ Rapid implementation was possible due to the successful application for funding by
- Non-residential buildings
- ===== The Passive House Standard allows for best possible levels of comfort as well as enormous energy savi
- The Hanssen-Höppener Passive House @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- comfort that was as environmentally acceptable as possible. The result is a contemporary, modern Passive Hou