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- Types of ventilation @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- ed and adequate exchange of air in winter is only possible by means of comfort ventilation – this also appl... ve the indoor air quality ourselves and it is not possible for us to estimate the amount of fresh air actual... air pollution should be limited at the source if possible (as Max von Pettenkofer once put it: "One can't a... being made to keep indoor air pollution as low as possible.))\\ \\ ==== Why opening the windows twice a day
- Air volumes @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- t energy-relevant or practical! Of course, it is possible to transfer even more air – and in theory, in the... "Normal" setting in spite of the fact that it is possible for occupants to change the setting. * Even in... nd it is too expensive. Of course, it is entirely possible that with clever ideas and new technologies, much... with equal fan efficiency areas" with the highest possible efficiency for average continuous operation).