Fulltext results:
- Greenhouse effect and climate protection
- for example, melting glaciers.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:see_eis_wf.gif }}|//**The northern polar region (imag... y keeps increasing, significantly and measurably (see the following illustration), due to the continued... sured in the Atmosphere's CO<sub>2</sub> contend (see the Graph following) is indeed mainly caused by t... www.skepticalscience.com/anthrocarbon-brief.html| See: antgropogenic CO2?]] - Fossil fuels do not conta
- Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses
- y-efficient household appliances are used.\\ \\ //See also [[Basics:Energy and ecology:Primary energy –... ://www.passiv.de/07_eng/index_e.html|certificate (see Certification -> Certified products)]] by the Pas... -effective than in small units.\\ \\ It therefore seems to be more reasonable, even in the more distant... gy is fed into the network than is taken from it. See also this technical paper on [[Basics:Energy and
- Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard
- and gas in the Passive House are measured values (see [[basics:energy_and_ecology:primary_energy_quanti... tilation systems in the Passive House can also be seen (peaks every 20 years or every 30 years respectively). * It can be seen clearly that the ecological benefit in the trans... insulation materials were considered?\\ \\ ===== See also ===== [[basics:energy_and_ecology:primary_e
- Primary energy – quantifying sustainability
- ickly unfortunately, but they are still worth it. See [[Basics:Affordability]].\\ \\ ==== The Passive ... gner, otherwise they fall short of their purpose. See [[Planning:calculating energy efficiency:PHPP - t
- Renewable sources of energy
- (photograph: Burkhard Schulze Darup)**//| ===== See also ===== [[basics:energy_and_ecology:primary_e