Fulltext results:
- Thermal comfort parameters
- he number of dissatisfied due to draughts is less than 6%) * the difference between radiant tempera... erature in various directions remains small (less than 5 °C, known as the "radiation temperature asymmet... the indoor air temperature stratification is less than 2 °C between the head and ankles of a seated pers... ceived temperatures in the room change by no more than 0.8 °C at different locations. Regarding the las
- Local thermal comfort
- en in winter (external walls, roofs etc. not more than 1 °C below the indoor air temperature, window sur... C if the external surface temperature is not more than 3.5 °C below the indoor temperature. The thermogr... en the head and ankles of a seated person is less than 2 °C - but only if the ** effective average U-value of the external building component is less than 0.85 W/(m²K)**. See. the illustration on the [[ba
- Adaptive versus Heat Balance Comfort Models
- sitive to changes in indoor operative temperature than users of naturally ventilated buildings. The ass... ings were often about 0.4 to 0.5 m/s, much higher than in air-conditioned buildings. This will reduce wa