Fulltext results:
- Thermal comfort parameters @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- he number of dissatisfied due to draughts is less than 6%) * the difference between radiant tempera... erature in various directions remains small (less than 5 °C, known as the "radiation temperature asymmet... the indoor air temperature stratification is less than 2 °C between the head and ankles of a seated pers... ceived temperatures in the room change by no more than 0.8 °C at different locations. Regarding the las
- Heating load in Passive Houses
- ing demand in Passive Houses (typically no higher than 15 kWh/(m²a)) is negligible – only about 10% of t... assive House do not necessarily have to be higher than the costs in a conventional building. Nevertheles... s with heat recovery are generally more expensive than conventional building services systems.\\ ===== ... ifferences between rooms, can be more significant than the heat losses towards the outside. This effect
- Local thermal comfort @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- en in winter (external walls, roofs etc. not more than 1 °C below the indoor air temperature, window sur... C if the external surface temperature is not more than 3.5 °C below the indoor temperature. The thermogr... en the head and ankles of a seated person is less than 2 °C - but only if the ** effective average U-value of the external building component is less than 0.85 W/(m²K)**. See. the illustration on the [[ba
- What defines thermal bridge free design?
- idge_definition|thermal bridges]] are not greater than the result calculated using the external surfaces... ibutions provided by thermal bridging are smaller than or equal to zero: <WRAP centeralign box round >... ity λ of the base point block. If this is smaller than 0.25 W/(mK), then Ψ ≤ 0.01 W/(mK) and consequentl
- Definition and effects of thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges
- ficant. If the thermal bridge losses are smaller than a limit value (set at 0.01 W/(mK)), the detail me... her heat flow rate and lower surface temperatures than adjacent standard building components. They occur... uld growth already occurs at a temperature higher than the dewpoint temperature without condensation bei
- Adaptive versus Heat Balance Comfort Models @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- sitive to changes in indoor operative temperature than users of naturally ventilated buildings. The ass... ings were often about 0.4 to 0.5 m/s, much higher than in air-conditioned buildings. This will reduce wa
- Heat transfer
- of the air. Insulation materials are nothing more than very lightweight structures, which contain a lot
- Heated basement @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- ce are subject to bigger temperature fluctuations than those which are further away from the surface. Th
- Special features and characteristics of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- erage the surface temperature is about 1 K higher than the outdoor air temperature. Thus for example, sn
- Recommended procedure for calculating thermal bridges of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- th their heat transfer resistance R = 1/U, rather than with their build-up. * The block of earth must