Fulltext results:
- If you do it, do it right!
- ases, this is the correct approach to improve the thermal insulation of the building envelope. The effectiv... everal publications [Bastian 2022]. Implementing thermal insulation correctly results in energy savings, e... g articles explain this further. * [[planning:thermal_protection:don_t_save_on_the_insulation|Don't sav... l damage]] * [[basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:thermal_bridge_definition|Continuos therm
- Immediate measures
- link to some basic information on how [[planning:thermal_protection:don_t_save_on_the_insulation|insulation works.]] Carefully planned and executed thermal protection measures, preferably on the outside of... mbly are increased. This provides two advantages: thermal comfort is improved, and the tendency towards dam... even considerably improved with a better level of thermal protection. And, in the worst case, even without
- "Saving energy" in the sense of sufficiency
- vels are too high (relative humidity > 55%). ==== Thermal comfort in the room ==== Did you know that the i... are wearing? A sweater acts as an extra layer of thermal insulation for the body. The temperature required for optimal thermal comfort when wearing a sweater is approximately 3
- For trade disciplines
- d other heating strategies, ventilation, windows, thermal protection and airtightness. The Institute has de... ber that every trade contributes to the new solar thermal system. This includes applying appropriate insula