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- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation @certification:passive_house_categories
- e – the next decade]]). The approach described in these original publications were then further developed... . domestic electricity use, hot water) lie within these two extreme scenarios. [{{:picopen:per_faktoren... the building (22 kWh thermal storage, η = 90 %). These additions are not scaled according to the demand ... lead to slightly different results. Furthermore, these calculations are purely local, meaning that the i
- Building Criteria: Overview of Changes
- overview of the changes to the building criteria. These are also described in the respective criteria doc... 2022. As PHPP 10 is released in other languages, these criteria take effect for designers using those ve... set up in parallel. Through the course of time, these criteria have been carefully adapted and augmente... or the so-called "soft criteria" is now obsolete. These requirements have been more precisely defined and
- Certification of buildings in which the ground floor is used for commercial purposes (for PHPP 9, revised 5-Sep-2016)
- uilding_criteria_en.pdf|Criteria for Buildings]], these supplementary provisions were revised and integrated into the criteria document. These revised provisions from version 10 of the Criteri... the insulation layer as well as the connection of these layers to the storey above these should be clarified in principle. No detailed construction planning is
- Certified Passive House Components
- gs in comparison with ordinary new constructions. These savings are achieved by efficient buildings and e... eed to be met by Passive-House-suitable products. These criteria are based on two categories: * living... to the pages of the Passive House Institute where these criteria are explained in detail: **[[http://www
- Building Certification
- ential buildings, office- educational buildings). These are exclusively so-called "functional criteria", ... can filter for certified buildings. In addition, these are also marked with the PHI logo{{:picopen:ph_da
- The Passive House Classes: Classic, Plus and Premium
- even “positive” energy balance. The intention of these approaches is to generate at least as much energy... thodology). For an honest "zero-energy" approach, these losses would need to be taken into account. * I
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached @certification:passive_house_categories
- ive for this avant-garde. This paper illustrates these classes based on specific reference projects and ... e electricity, there are additional benefits, and these benefits are then assessed in terms of this area.
- Addendum concerning the use of vacuum insulation
- g to a worse energy performance than design. For these reasons, the Passive House Institute (PHI) recomm
- Certification of terraced houses and semi-detached/duplex houses according to Passive House Institute criteria
- ==== **With version 10 of the building criteria, these supplementary provisions were integrated into the
- EnerPHit – the Passive House Certificate for retrofits
- t generation * use of renewable energy sources These are exactly the same measures that have proved to
- Evaluation of server and server room efficiency for non-residential buildings that exceed the primary energy criterion
- ead of a fully air-conditioned system). However, these guidelines presuppose a separate server room, whi
- Criteria for buildings in other languages @certification:certified_passive_houses
- and Passive House organisations worldwide exist. These may be of use for your local promotion of the Pas