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- Types of ventilation @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- especially essential and can only be achieved if "used" air is regularly replaced by fresh air. Opening... dispensable in every [[basics:what_is_a_passive_house|Passive House]]. A regular, guaranteed and adequate exchange of air in winter is only possible by mean... s no conflict at all, if efficient components are used. ===== Ventilation through leaks in the buildin
- Air volumes @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- tional ventilation through windows** in Passive Houses during the heating period. Although this still o... lity of the external air, but in reality, noise caused by the air flow and draughts would have a restri... .\\ \\ ==== Adjustment of the air volumes by the user ==== {{:picopen:switch.png?250}}\\ In principle... change the setting. * Even in single-family houses, the air volumes are only adjusted for longer pe
- Passive House - 6 reasons why you still need opening windows
- ====== Passive House - 6 reasons why you still need opening windows ====== \\ ==== ...do I need to kee... t least one opening window in each room typically used for living (bedrooms, living room, kitchen). The... Saving costs on windows is a bad idea and might cause several problems later on:// 1. During warm peri... / The standard air exchange provided by Passive House ventilation systems generally is far lower, and w
- Comparison of energy performance of ventilation systems using passive vs. active heat recovery
- overy ====== Author: Dr Tomas Mikeska, Passive House Institute ===== Introduction ===== The standard... residential as well as non-residential Passive Houses is a ventilation unit equipped with a passive he... passive heat recovery systems by heat pumps which use the extract air as a heat source to heat the supp... building according to the International Passive House standard ([[https://passiv.de/downloads/03_buildi
- Differentiation between Vv and Vn50 values
- culating the n<sub>50</sub> leakage value. | | is used to calculate the air exchange rate | is used for the calculation of n<sub>50</sub> | | Rough calcula... // A standard residential room height of 2.5 m is used for simplification purposes. This is a fixed val... cally by PHPP based on the TFA calculation by the user and the entered room height. For further refer
- The ventilation system – there is no alternative
- ts small energy consumption, one of the Passive House’s many advantages. In Passive Houses, a healthy indoor climate is achieved in the following ways:\\ ... mfort (see also “Thermal Comfort in the Passive House”), * through controlled home ventilation, which... l of airtightness of the room meets the Passive House requirement (n50 < 0.6 1/h). * The wind shield
- Checklist for Design: Ventilation System in a residential Passive House Building
- gn: Ventilation System in a residential Passive House Building====== This checklist for the design of a ventilation system in a residential Passive House building has been written to aid building designe... nload the Checklist **[[https://database.passivehouse.com/de/download/product_page/ventilation-system-c... t Systems** for Residential Kitchens in Passive Houses Guidelines]] [[planning:building_services:venti
- Basics
- ]] of the 17<sup>th</sup> International Passive House Conference 2013: // [[planning:building service