Fulltext results:
- List of articles from the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses
- uildings | Lighting: tool for evaluating daylight use| |2015 |51 | Kostengünstige Lüftungslösungen ... |Energy-efficient hot water systems|Introduction: use of Passive House technology in modernisation of n... ätze|Energy-efficient hot water systems|Hot water use: Measured results, concepts for reducing quantiti... ding to the Passive House Standard |Introduction: use of Passive House technology for modernisation of
- List of Passive House Conference contributions since 1996
- |17 |Hot and Humid Climates |Parry, Clare |Multi-use in Passive House buildings in Humid & Hot climates: Jakarta |439 |Hot and Humid Climates |Multi-use in Passive House buildings in Humid & Hot climate... ilding |609 | |2012 |16 |Poster |Anwyl, James |In use performance of the 1st Passivhaus education build... | | | | |2012 |16 | |Anwyl, James | | |Poster |In use performance of the 1st Passivhaus education build
- PB 41: Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings @phi_publications:pb_41
- ntial buildings. Added to this is the tendency to use large glazing areas for utilising daylight and al... ich has been validated for residential and office use based on measurements in inhabited buildings. The... kely to be seen where the temporal variability of use increases, and where, if applicable, fluctuating ... e to the Passive House standard with seminar room use according to the simulation and the PHPP** | As
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2015 to 2018
- Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang |Simulation study on the use of enthalpy exchangers in cold climates |123 | |2... mprehensive energy strategy - efficient community use of renewable energy |131 | |2017 |21 |Session I... Allen |Reducing Ventilation System Costs & Energy Use with Shared Air Ducts |663 | |2017 |21 |Session... |20 |Session VI |Kah, Oliver |The importance of use-specific energy applications in non-residential P
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2011 to 2014
- ffice Building - BOB.Aachen: 10 years of building use |573 | |2014 |18 |Session XV |Malzer, Harald; ... |17 |Hot and Humid Climates |Parry, Clare |Multi-use in Passive House buildings in Humid & Hot climate... ilding |609 | |2012 |16 |Poster |Anwyl, James |In use performance of the 1st Passivhaus education build... bility |671 | |2012 |16 | |Anwyl, JamesPoster |In use performance of the 1st Passivhaus education build
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2019 to 2023
- on 08|Style Oliver|Dealing with Heat Waves: Can I Use the PHPP to Size Cooling Equipment?| |2023|26|Ses... 021 |25|session 10|Ariff Ifrah|Evaluating energy use at two Passive House Plus dwellings In the UK| |2... e** | | |2019 |23|Session04|Aichholzer, Martin|Use of sustainable building materials on the example ... 019 |23|Session17|Wassouf, Micheel|Chengdu mixed use building – a passive house challenge in the heart