Fulltext results:
- Airtightness and airtightness measurement
- e of readings. The whole process is then repeated using a range of positive pressures [[.:airtightness:sp... g and implementation of the airtightness measures using the appropriate materials, permanently high airti... larly large, the pressure test can be carried out using several blower fans. In accordance with the [[.:a... envelope in the plan (for each building section) using a pencil without lifting the pencil – except for
- Improving thermal bridges and airtightness in existing buildings
- airtightness in existing buildings:Modernisation_using_Passive_House_components|Modernisation using Passive House components]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?noli
- Insulation measures for the external envelope
- Peper, S.; Pfluger, R.; Feist, W.: Refurbishment using Passive House components, support and advice duri