It is not always possible to achieve the Passive House Standard (new constructions) for refurbishments of existing buildings, even with adequate funds. For this reason, the PHI has developed the “EnerPHit – Quality-Approved Energy Retrofit with Passive House Components” Certificate.
Significant energy savings of between 75 and 90 % can be achieved even in existing buildings, for which the following measures have proved to be particularly effective [Bastian 2022]:
These are exactly the same measures that have proved to be successful in new constructions. A number of examples demonstrating the application of high-efficiency technology in existing buildings have become available in the meantime. The Passive House Institute has advised on the implementation of several projects and carries out measurements in modernised buildings.
To know more about the EnerPHit-Standard you can also visit the corresponding section in the Passive House Institute's website:
"EnerPHit" - PHI-Certificate for Refurbishment of existing buildings
Certification Criteria for the Passive House, EnerPHit and PHI Low Energy Building Standard
Passive House and EnerPHit certification criteria in other languages
Factors that influence the energy balance and affordability of non-residential EnerPHit projects
International EnerPHit Certification Criteria for Energy Retrofit with Passive House Components
Certification criteria for Passive House, EnerPHit and PHI Low Energy Building
Step-by-step retrofit to achieve EnerPHit-Standard, the example of a single-family home
Windows in step-by-step retrofits - windows first, then insulation
[Bastian 2022] Bastian, Z. et al:Retrofit with Passive House Components; Energy Efficiency, 2022